I want to see my choices.

We get it. With AI comes a lot of curiosity πŸ€”. Well, we’ve taken that guesswork out of the picture πŸ–ΌοΈ by creating one of the easiest ways to see what you can really do with AI, and quickly get to work πŸ’ͺ. Check out your options: πŸ‘‰

  1. Go to Bot Garage πŸ€– (Control/Command + G)
  2. See your world 🌍 of options πŸ‘‰
  3. Scroll πŸ‘‡, filter 🏷️, or search πŸ”Ž.
  4. Click on any bot πŸ€– and it’ll start a chat πŸ’¬ where it prompts you.

Did you know these nifty tricks?

Trick No. 1

Want to see how other users are leveraging BoodleBox? Check out other users feed views πŸ“° showing the boodle πŸ“¦ that user has made public 🌐. A good place to start? πŸ‘€πŸ‘£ our co-founder France Hoang’s BoodleBox Feed πŸ“¦πŸ”—.

Trick No. 2

If you want recommendations πŸ’‘, click on β€œHelpBot” πŸ€– and tell it what problem you’re trying to solve. It’ll give you recommendations πŸ‘ for Bots and a plan πŸ“‹.

In the world of nonprofits, there is a data ninja, a change-maker, a superhero - and her name is Erin Crotty. Picture her on one hand perfecting a yoga pose while on the other, she's nimbly spinning complex data into gold mines for fundraising. Erin doesn't just exist in this world, she transforms it, amplifying organizations from the inside out, and making big splashes in the sector. Erin currently serves as the Vice President of Customer Success at boodleAI where she is cheerfully translating and normalizing the crazy possibilities of tech.

Connect with Erin on LinkedIn.