BoodleBox’s Latest Update:
All About the Bots

December 13, 2023 | 0.70

🤖 Bot Profiles

Every AI Assistant and Bot now has a profile page with a dedicated feed where you can see how other BoodleBox users are working with the Bot Assistant.  From the Bot Profile page you can launch a chat with that specifc bot. 

You can also easily share a link to the bot with anyone, both inside and outside of BoodleBox.

🔗 Bot Links

Anywhere you see a bot avatar (image of a bot) or a bot alias (the “@botname”), clicking on it will take you to the relevant bot profile page. 

🧵 Threaded Boodle

When you save a boodle, you now have the option of enabling chat threading: 

When you enable chat threading, the chat thread leading up to the boodle becomes viewable by clicking “View Thread” on the boodle:

This allows you to share and view an entire chat. Threaded boodle can be posted and shared like any other boodle. 

🕸️ WebBot and 🖼️ ImageBot Active Updates

When you submit a request to a WebBot or ImageBot, it now provides real time updates on the actions it’s taking in order to generate a response to your request. 

🗄️ Bot Management

When you open the Bot Garage, you’ll now see options to favorite or hide any of the Bots or Assistants. Favoriting places a bot or assistant at the top of the default bot assistant list. You can change the order of your favorites by clicking on the “Favorite Bots” tab. Hiding a bot removes it from all bot assistant lists, including Chat Bar recommendations. 

📮 Create New Box from Post

When you save a boodle, you now have the option of creating a new box directly from the posting menu:

😍 Updated Feed Algorithm

The Public Feed now has a new algorithm based on what’s trending versus the current algorithm which is based solely on recency. 

📧 How To Launch

BoodleBox has launched a “How To…” series of emails that educates users about the over 900 different potential use cases for BoodleBox. You can select a daily, weekly, or monthly email (or opt out) at this link.

In the world of nonprofits, there is a data ninja, a change-maker, a superhero - and her name is Erin Crotty. Picture her on one hand perfecting a yoga pose while on the other, she's nimbly spinning complex data into gold mines for fundraising. Erin doesn't just exist in this world, she transforms it, amplifying organizations from the inside out, and making big splashes in the sector. Erin currently serves as the Vice President of Customer Success at boodleAI where she is cheerfully translating and normalizing the crazy possibilities of tech.

Connect with Erin on LinkedIn.