BoodleBox for Independent Contractors and Freelancers

Things to Try:

  1. πŸ“ Drafting a biz plan? Don’t do it alone and afraid. Do it with @bizplanbot πŸ€–.
  2. Need to brainstorm fresh ideas? πŸ’‘ Try @brainstormbot
  3. Try @eventplanbot πŸŽ‰ to make event planning a snap.
  4. Want to fill your social feed with ease? πŸ“² Call upon @write-social
  5. Have an excel question? Use @excelbot πŸ“Š.
  6. Don’t see the bot you need? Create your own with @botbot πŸ› οΈ.

BoodleBots to Try:

BizPlanBot@bizplanbotDraft a business plan
BotBot@botbotCreate a custom chatbot to accomplish a task you select
BrainstormBot@brainstormbotBrainstorm new ideas
BrainstormBot Slogans@brainstorm-slogansBrainstorm ideas for slogans
BrainstormBot Titles@idea-titleBrainstorm titles from keywords or text
EventPlanBot@eventplanbotPlan an event
LetterBot Business@letter-businessWrite a business letter
LetterBot Client@letter-clientWrite a client letter
LetterBot Complaint@letter-complaintWrite a complaint letter
LetterBot Customer@letter-customerWrite a customer letter
MarketingPlanBot@marketingplanbotDraft a marketing plan
ProConBot@proconbotAnalyze the pros and cons
RoleBot Startup Coach@role-startupcoachChat with a startup coach
SalesBot Call Script@sales-callscriptDraft a call script
SalesBot Coaching@sales-coachChat with a sales coach
SalesBot Cold Email@sales-coldemailDraft a cold email
SalesBot Email Sequence@sales-emailsequenceDraft an email sequence
SalesBot Knowledge Test@sales-knowledgetestTest a sales rep’s product knowledge
SalesBot Risk Assessment@sales-riskAssess risk using the DRIVE framework
SalesBot Roleplay@sales-roleplayChat with a prospect on a sales call
SWOTbot@swotbotAnalyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
TextBot Anonymize@text-anonymizeRemove personal identifiers from text
WhitePaperBot@whitepaperWrite a white paper
WriteBot Agenda@write-agendyCreate a meeting agenda
WriteBot Blurb@write-blurbCreate a company blurb
WriteBot Case Study@write-casestudyWrite a case study
WriteBot Interview@write-interviewDraft questions for an interview
WriteBot MOU@write-mouDraft a bilateral or multilateral agreement
WriteBot Newsletter@write-newsletterWrite a newsletter
WriteBot Pitch@write-pitchWrite a 30 second elevator pitch
WriteBot Pitch Deck@write-pitchdeckWrite a text outline for a pitch deck
WriteBot Position@write-positiondescWrite a position description
WriteBot Practice Page@write-practicepageWrite a practice page
WriteBot Press Release@write-pressreleaseWrite a press release
WriteBot Project Proposal@write-projproposalWrite a project proposal
WriteBot Quote@write-quoteCreate a personal quote for media
WriteBot Social Post@write-socialWrite a social media post + hashtags + emoji

Boxes to Join/Follow:

The Range: Independent Contractors and Freelancers collabing with GenAI to amaze.

In the world of nonprofits, there is a data ninja, a change-maker, a superhero - and her name is Erin Crotty. Picture her on one hand perfecting a yoga pose while on the other, she's nimbly spinning complex data into gold mines for fundraising. Erin doesn't just exist in this world, she transforms it, amplifying organizations from the inside out, and making big splashes in the sector. Erin currently serves as the Vice President of Customer Success at boodleAI where she is cheerfully translating and normalizing the crazy possibilities of tech.

Connect with Erin on LinkedIn.