Use AI as Your Personal Trainer

Anyone else ever returned home from a fabulous vacation to find your work pants don’t quite button? Well, this is a great opportunity to embark on a fitness journey and find a program that suits your needs.
By finding the right fitness program, you can regain your confidence and achieve your desired fitness goals. Whether it’s losing weight, toning your body, or improving overall health, there are numerous programs available to help you. Take this as a motivation to prioritize your well-being and start exploring different fitness options that will bring you closer to a healthier and more comfortable lifestyle.
Embrace AI as your trusty fitness partner.
Our AI pals in BoodleBox can quickly help you come up with a health and fitness plan that will get you right on track in a matter of minutes.
Start by asking GenBot:
- Give me a positive get in shape quote.
- I am a X year old female. I currently weigh X pounds, and I would like to weigh X pounds. How many pounds can I safely lose per week?
- What are the best exercises to help muscle growth?
Create a fitness plan in minutes.
Work on creating a fitness plan with WebBot by asking for the following:
- Create a 5-day workout plan for an adult that included 3 strength training sessions and 2 cardio training sessions
- Create a 7-day meal plan for an adult who needs to consume 1500 calories per day, but make it vegan-friendly
- List eight items sold at the grocery store that are generally considered to be inexpensive, surprisingly nutritious, and underrated.
- What is the best app for tracking my health and fitness?
Want to be reminded when to drink water or work out?
BoodleBox’s assistants can help with tasks like scheduling and reminders. Once you have your boodle saved, ask GenBot for ideas on incorporating your findings into your schedule.