Kickstart Your Fundraising Year

Starting your fundraising year on the right foot is crucial for the success of your organization. It is a time to set goals, create a strategic plan, and engage with potential donors. By starting strong, you can build momentum and attract support throughout the year. And for many in the nonprofit sector, the new year does not begin on January 1, but July 1. 

As we kick into summer planning mode, think about how BoodleBox’s AI team can help you brainstorm and plan your next 12 months of success.

Give Your Fundraising a Boost with These Easy Steps

GenBot can help get you started and even expand your current planning efforts. Ask GenBot to help with the following:

  • Create a fundraising plan outline
  • Write you a case for support based on [your website]
  • Write me a 12 month timetable for fundraising using the above outline
  • Write 4 fundraising letters using the above case for support
  • Write a set of 26 social media posts based on our case for support

And for fun…

Ask GenBot to write a Midjourney prompt for [your website]. Then, copy it, and ask ImageBot to use the prompt to create an inspirational image!


Looking to summarize your fundraising plan?
GenBot can help you create an executive summary of your fundraising plan and expected outcomes so that you may present to your board with confidence.

Join BoodleBox Beta for Individuals

In the world of nonprofits, there is a data ninja, a change-maker, a superhero - and her name is Erin Crotty. Picture her on one hand perfecting a yoga pose while on the other, she's nimbly spinning complex data into gold mines for fundraising. Erin doesn't just exist in this world, she transforms it, amplifying organizations from the inside out, and making big splashes in the sector. Erin currently serves as the Vice President of Customer Success at boodleAI where she is cheerfully translating and normalizing the crazy possibilities of tech.

Connect with Erin on LinkedIn.