Using BoodleBox for Work & Submissions

BoodleBox equips educators with powerful tools to manage both individual and group assignments efficiently, streamlining the process of creating, distributing, and assessing student work. Here’s an overview of how you can present this information to students:

Independent Assignments

Accessing the Assignment Folder

You will receive a folder link from me for the class assignment. This folder will be used to share the assignment details (see chat inside). Additionally, you will need to create a subfolder inside of the assignment folder titled “FirstName LastName”. You will use this folder to share all AI chats used for the assignment. 

Sharing Individual AI Work

Use your created folder titled “FirstName LastName” to organize and share your AI work. You may create additional subfolders as needed to help maintain organization. Please ensure that you save all AI interactions stored in the folder. As you create new chats, organize them clearly, using descriptive names for easy reference.

Final Submission

When submitting your final project deliverable(s) please submit through our LMS. Ensure all AI chats are properly saved in your BoodleBox group folder, and include an attestation as part of your submission confirming that all AI interactions used for the project are available in the BoodleBox folder. Please include a link to the folder with your submitted deliverables.

Collaborating for Group Projects

Accessing the Group Folder

You will receive a folder link from me for any group project that you are assigned. Locate the shared folder for your group project in BoodleBox. Before you begin engaging with AI, ensure all group members have access to this folder. You will use this folder to share all AI chats used for the assignment. 

Sharing Collaborative AI Work

Use the group folder to collaborate on your project and organize your work. You may create additional subfolders as needed to help maintain organization. Please ensure that you save all AI interactions (individual and/or group chats) within the group folder. As you create new chats, organize them clearly, using descriptive names for easy reference.

Final Submission 

When submitting your final project deliverable(s) please submit through our LMS. Ensure all AI chats are properly saved in your BoodleBox group folder, and include an attestation as part of your submission confirming that all AI interactions used for the project are available in the BoodleBox folder. Please include a link to the folder with your submitted deliverables.

Best Practices

  1. Start early to allow time for AI interaction, critical reflection, and exploration.
  2. Use clear, specific prompts when interacting with the AI. (HINT: Use prompt bot in BoodleBox to enhance your prompts along the way)
  3. Always evaluate AI-generated content before incorporating it into your work.
  4. Maintain academic integrity by using AI as a tool, not a replacement for your own thinking.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • If you encounter issues with BoodleBox, contact their support team at
  • Let your instructor know if there is any interference with your work completion timeline.
  • For questions about assignment requirements or AI usage, please consult with your instructor during office hours or via email.

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