Create a Rubric Using BoodleBox
Rubrics are an essential component of well-designed active learning assignments, serving as a guide for student performance while ensuring fair, consistent evaluation. Leveraging BoodleBox, educators can create rubrics that assess both traditional learning outcomes and new skills related to AI engagement and critical thinking.
Follow these steps to create a comprehensive rubric for your AI-integrated active learning assignment using BoodleBox:
Step 1: Prepare Materials
- Locate your finalized AI-integrated active learning assignment document (either created using our guide, or one that you have created externally).
- Open BoodleBox in your web browser and log in to your account.
- Start a new chat by clicking “+ Start New Chat” in the left sidebar.
- Use the drag and drop feature to upload your learning objectives to the chat.
Step 2: Ask AI
- Ask the AI (we suggest EduBot Rubric) to help you create a comprehensive rubric for your active learning assignment that incorporates AI use.
- Example prompt: I have attached my AI-integrated active learning assignment. Please create a detailed rubric that assesses both the traditional learning outcomes and the students’ engagement with AI tools. Include criteria for evaluating critical thinking and creativity in AI use.
- Review the AI’s initial rubric draft and engage in a back-and-forth conversation to refine it.
- Once you’re satisfied with the general structure, ask the AI to expand on specific criteria or add more detailed descriptors for each performance level.
- Example Prompt: The rubric looks good overall, but could you expand on the ‘AI Tool Utilization’ criterion? I’d like more specific descriptors for each performance level (Excellent, Good, Fair, Needs Improvement) that clearly differentiate between levels of AI engagement and critical evaluation of AI-generated content.
- Analyze the AI’s proposed rubric and request further refinements as needed.
- Iterate this process until you’re satisfied with a first draft of the rubric.
Step 3: Finalize & Export
- Carefully review the rubric alongside your active learning assignment to ensure that it effectively evaluates all aspects of the assignment – including subject knowledge, learning objectives, AI utilization, critical thinking, and adherence to guidelines.
- Copy the AI-generated rubric from BoodleBox.
- Open Microsoft Word or Google Docs. to refine the rubric.
- Paste the rubric into your document.
- Format the rubric to enhance for clarity and ease of use, considering both digital and print applications.