Master BoodleBox in 12 Prompts

  1. IDEATION: Start a new chat with @brainstormbot then enter:
    suggest 10 ideas for the title of my autobiography

  2. DRAFT CONTENT: Start a new chat with @letter-business then enter:
    Help write a letter to my bank closing an account I no longer need

  3. CREATE ART: Start a new chat with @image-sdxl then enter
    create an image of a couple walking in a field
    (Note: You can revise the image. Try entering “make it nighttime”)

  4. INTERNET RESEARCH: Start a new chat with @web-bing then enter:
    What are the latest case studies about the use of Generative AI in the workplace?
    (Note: Click [+] View Source to see the internet sources used)

  5. PLANNING: Start a new chat with @travelbot then enter
    help me plan a business trip to Hawaii

  6. PROBLEM SOLVING: Start a new chat with @solvebot then enter
    I need to research government grants for farmers

  7. RECOMMENDATION: Start a new chat with @find-book then enter:
    recommend books for a 10 year old interested in space

  8. EVALUATION: Continue the previous chat by entering:
    evaluate each of the above books based on readability, quality of illustrations, and accuracy.

  9. ROLE PLAYING: Start a new chat with @characterbot then enter
    Take on the role of a business advisor

  10. SUMMATION: Start a new chat with @gen-claude3-opus, click “Upload File”, upload any text based file, select that file as source then enter:
    summarize this document

  11. REVISION: Continue the previous chat by entering:
    rewrite this summary to be longer and more detailed

  12. TRANSLATION: Continue the previous chat, type “@translatebot”, select TranslateBot, then enter: translate the above into Spanish

With BoodleBox, there’s no need for prompt engineering. When you select an an AI Helper, the Bot will prompt you to produce the result you want: 

Visit BoodleBox, Give it a try.