France Hoang’s Field Guide to GenAI Models & Bots

Here’s a guide to the GenAI goodness in BoodleBox and beyond created by France Hoang, Co-founder and CEO of BoodleBox.

GenBots. General purpose foundation models.

GenBots are your do it all conversational AI assistants. They are all limited to the knowledge they were trained with, which often has a data cut off.

GenBot GPT-4o is the most advanced publicly available language model from OpenAI, known for its remarkable ability to understand context and generate human-like text across an incredibly wide range of topics and tasks. Hoang’s take: I use GPT-4o when I want an analysis, a second opinion, and/or something in nice formatting.

GenBot Claude-3.5-Sonnet is the celebrated AI assistant from Anthropic that stands out for its strong ethical reasoning, ability to understand and follow complex instructions, and maintain coherent long-form conversations. Hoang’s take: I use Sonnet for generating ideas, first drafts of content, and for I when I want more nuance.

GenBot Gemini-1.5-Pro is Google’s most powerful AI model that is known for its ability to process and produce large amounts of content in its context window. Hoang’s take: I use Geminii when it’s time to “go big or go home” with large amounts of information.

GenBot LLAMA-3.1 is Meta’s open-source language model that’s notable for its efficiency, accessibility, and adaptability. Unlike other models, LLAMA 3.1 is hosted on a server controlled by BoodleBox. Hoang’s take: I use LLAMA 3.1 when I don’t want my prompts or data shared with OpenAI, Anthropic, or Google. Or when I want flair.

WebBots. Web-enabled research bots.

WebBots are the bots you turn to when you want to find relevant, real-time information from the internet.

WebBot Perplexity is Perplexity’s innovative AI-powered search engine that goes beyond traditional search by providing fast, detailed, citation-backed answers synthesized from multiple sources. Hoang’s take: When I need real-time information or research, I start with Perplexity. When I want to fact-check information, I end with Perplexity. Note: click the “globe” icon to see citations.

WebBot Bing is a sophisticated search assistant that leverages Microsoft’s Bing search engine, known for its ability to provide up-to-date information and a comprehensive and contextually aware search experience. Hoang’s take: I use Bing Bot when I have time and want more detailed web search results.

WebBot Google is an advanced search tool that taps into Google‘s vast index of the web to provide highly relevant and diverse results. Hoang’s take: I use Google Bot when I have time and want to see more diverse search results.

Bots for Research.

WebBot Perplexity. See above. Hoang’s take: I often start my research with Perplexity.

Search Paper Bot is a research assistant powered by Semantic Scholar API that searches 214 million scientific papers from 79 million authors and provides intelligent insights into research trends, citation networks, and interdisciplinary connections. Hoang’s take: I use Search Paper Bot when I want to do academic, scholarly research and need sources and citations.

ImageBots. Text to Image Generators.

ImageBot-Flux is Flux is Black Forest Labs’ much lauded AI image generator that stands out for its ability to create high-quality images from textual descriptions, offering unparalleled detail, prompt adherence, and style diversity. Hoang’s take: I use Flux when I need rapid, high-quality image generation with precise control over visual elements and text rendering.

ImageBot-SD3 is Stable Diffusion’s groundbreaking open-source image generation model known for its speed, efficiency, and case of use for those new to GenAI image tools. Hoang’s take: I use SD3 when I’m not sure what I want to create and want to be able to iterate.

ImageBot DALLE3 is OpenAI’s cutting-edge image generation system that stands out for its ability to understand and accurately render complex scenes, artistic styles, and abstract concepts from textual descriptions. Hoang’s take: I use DALLE3 when I know what I want to create and can provide a detailed, specific description.

Helpful Bots. When you need a hand.

HelpBot helps users navigate the BoodleBox platform, recommends specific AI models and assistants to solve specific problems, and provides guidance on how generative AI can be effectively used for various tasks and use cases.Hoang’s take: I recommend starting with HelpBot if you have a question about GenAI in general or BoodleBox in particular.

PromptBot helps users craft effective prompts to guide other AI models in generating desired outputs and explains its rationale. Hoang’s take: When I want a prompt to be “chef’s kiss” I run it through PromptBot.

Want ideas on how to use GenAI? Check out these use cases.

99 Ways Anyone Can Use GenAI

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