BoodleBox Glossary

This post includes all essential BoodleBox terms.

AvatarYour individual photo or initials on BoodleBox. By clicking on your avatar you can access your profile, billing & plans, team members, password & security, and sign out of BoodleBox.
boodleIf you ask our founders, a boodle is a treat–a snack, cookie, or candy–for one to enjoy. In the context of the BoodleBox platform, a boodle refers to a prompt and response that you want to save and use later. It can be a helpful piece of information, a useful tip, or any content that you find valuable and want to keep for future reference.
Boodle BasicBoodleBox’s free plan. No credit card is required. Boodle Basic includes access to ChatGPT 3.5, Gemini 1.0, Google Search, Bing Search as well as 5 Daily PRO Messages to use on any of the other Unlimited Bots.
Boodle UnlimitedBoodle Unlimited includes unlimited prompts leveraging ChatGPT 4o, Claude 3 Sonnet & Opus, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Perplexity, SDXL & SD3, Dalle 3, Llama 3, Gemini 1.5 & 1.5 Flash as well as 1,000+ GPT Helpers.
BoodleBoxBoodleBox is a platform that allows you to save and organize prompts and responses, known as boodles. It helps you keep track of valuable information, tips, and content that you want to refer back to later. You can create boxes to organize your boodles and share them with others if you choose. It’s a convenient tool for managing and accessing important information in your AI workflows.
BoodleBox AffiliateAn affiliate on BoodleBox is someone who participates in the platform’s referral program, earning commissions for referring new users and helping to grow the BoodleBox community. To become an affiliate, you can click on the “gift” icon in the Topbar to sign up for the BoodleBox Referral Program. As an affiliate, you can earn rewards for each referral you make. Specifically, you can earn up to $5,000 by earning a 20% commission on each referral for up to 12 months of a paid subscription made using your unique referral link. Each person you refer will also receive a 20% discount for the first 3 months of their subscription, providing an incentive for them to sign up using your link.
Bot GarageThe “Bot Garage” is where you go to see all your AI Assistants and AI Helpers. BoodleBox has over 1,000 AI Assistants and AI Helpers ready to work with you and your team.
Bot SelectorLocated in the chat bar, the bot selector allows you to access the bot list. To access, type “@”. You can scroll through the bot list or use keywords to filter.
Bot StackingBot stacking is a powerful technique in BoodleBox that allows you to leverage multiple AI bots simultaneously to refine and enhance your course concepts. This approach combines the strengths of different AI models to produce more comprehensive and nuanced results. You will be able to share context between bots while maintaining their individual identities and leverage the unique capabilities of each bot for a more robust outcome.
BotsBoodleBox Assistants are AI-powered virtual assistants that can help you with various tasks related to the BoodleBox platform. They can provide information, answer questions, and guide you on how to use the platform effectively.
ChatIn the context of BoodleBox, a chat refers to the conversation interface where you can interact with the BoodleBox Assistants. You can ask questions, seek assistance, and receive responses from the assistants. It’s a user-friendly way to communicate and get the information you need about the platform and its features.
Chat BarThe chat bar is where you enter your prompt.
Collaborative AIThe concept of working alongside AI tools to enhance productivity, creativity, and problem-solving.
Feedback ButtonsThumbs up/down icons to rate the quality of AI-generated responses.
File to ContextFile to context refers to the process of extracting relevant information from a file and using it to enhance the context within a chat.
Folder StatsFolder stats can be accessed with the three dots next to the chat folder. You can see total chats, total messages, total bots, and total prompts for all members of the folder.
FoldersFolders allow you to organize and manage your chats, share folders, add them to knowledge and view statistics about chats within the folder.
Fork at ChatUsing the “Fork/Continue Chat” feature allows you to explore promising directions or combinations of ideas. BoodleBox then creates a new chat that duplicates the original chat up to the point where you chose to fork the chat. You can then go ahead and continue your chat with the “forked” conversation.
Group ChatGroupChats enable multiple people, multiple sources of knowledge, and multiple GenAI bots to work together in a single conversation.
Knowledge BankKnowledge in BoodleBox refers to the files and information that users can securely store, manage, and attach to their chats to provide context and enhance the performance of the AI models they are working with. The Knowledge Bank is a secure storage system within the BoodleBox platform where users can store and manage their files. All files uploaded to the Knowledge Bank are securely stored by BoodleBox and encrypted both at rest and in transit. No third parties are provided access to the files unless authorized by the user. Supported file formats include any text-based files such as txt, pdf, doc, etc.
MembersMembers are those who have been invited to a GroupChat. Members can be added or removed from the chat via the “add members” button on your chat.
Message ModeMessage Mode allows you to communicate with other members in the chat instead of prompts. Use “/” to send messages or switch to message mode using the menu button.
NotificiationsNotifications reference alerts in BoodleBox if another user has interacted with your chats on BoodleBox or followed you.
ProfileYour BoodleBox profile is your personal space on the platform where you can showcase your identity and work.
PromptA user’s input or question directed to an AI bot to generate a response.
Quick CommandsQuick commands provide suggested chats and inspiration for using BoodleBox. They can be found in the center on the screen. To activate, simply click on the command. You can refresh the list of commands and access additional catagories via the dropdown menu.
SearchThe search icon on the topbar allows you to search all the Public Exchanges, Boxes, and Users.
TeamA team on BoodleBox is a group of users who leverage the platform’s features to collaborate, communicate, and collectively adopt generative AI technologies to enhance their productivity. Users in BoodleBox who are on a team will have two workspaces – one personal and one for the team. To switch between the two, select your workspace by clicking on the team name.
Team LeaderTeam leaders are the primary account owner of the team. To create, view, or change your team settings, leaders can click on your “Avatar” in the Topbar, select “Settings,” and then click on “Team.”
Team MembersTeam members are users who are part of a team on BoodleBox.
VisiblityVisibility refers to the accessibility and visibility of a BoodleBox or a specific box within the platform. There are three visibility options: public, unlisted, and private.

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